Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Number Synchronicity Phenomena

The number synchronicity phenomena has been a strange characteristic of my life. There were a few times in my life where I just plain got fed up with it. I reasoned if I could not make use of this somehow in my daily life then it was nothing but a distraction. I told it to go away and not come back unless it could give me something useful, but it persisted and as time passed on it’s manifestations became more and more bizarre and more and more unlikely.

In 1994 I decided to free myself of the toxicity of the industrial world. I moved to Phoenix Arizona in order to live the life of a Shaman and practice the ways of a warrior ala Carlos Castaneda.

One night I was watching a storm coming over the mountains. I had been told that some of the storms there can produce spectacular lightning shows and I was curious if this storm would produce a good show. I turned on my AM radio and scanned the frequencies to see if I could pick up electrical activity from the storm. As “coincidence” would have it, I found a station where the radio host was interviewing Chet Snow who wrote Mass Dreams of the Future. They were talking about the end of the Mayan Calendar on 12/21/2012. When I recognized my number pattern of 1221 & 212 ( In numerology zeros are only digit place holders, so if you remove the zeros you get 1221, 212) I was all ears throughout the rest of the program.

Note: I have had people explain these number sync’s away by using what I call the: “ You look for it, you find it theory” This theory may explain some of it, but my experience seems to indicate that there is much more going on here than just that!

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