Sunday, January 1, 2012


My life has been full of unusual phenomenon and mystical experiences. What has remained so consistent and persistent is the strange appearance of a number pattern that when combined with other synchronous events, seem to be pointing to the date of 12/21/2012 which happens to be when a rare galactic alignment occurs which the Mayans placed a great deal of emphasis on.

The way that these numbers have showed up in my life have convinced me that there is much more going on behind the scenes in life than meets the eye. The precision in which this apparent ‘code’ appears in my life seems to go against the odds of it being just coincidence. Despite my level of skepticism and the fact that on many occasions I told it to go away and leave me alone, it has continued to go to great lengths to get my attention.

My only request to you the reader is to please feel free to comment as you move through my story.

Please note that the post dates in this blog are irrelevant. They are used only to maintain sequential order (Newer posts are actually at the bottom).