Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Spiritual Death Experience

My life changed radically in the summer of 1977. Shortly after graduating from high school I tapped into an extraordinary energy source. Actually, it may be more accurate to say that “it” tapped me. I was so charged by this energy that it kept me awake more often than not, for approximately two months and then prior to my transformational experience; for almost two weeks straight. I was so energized that I became convinced that I no longer required sleep! If I slept at all, it was brief naps that lasted no more than two hours, and each time I would wake up even more energized than before.

This overwhelming energy and the effects of sleep deprivation caused my perception of the world and my behavior to be radically altered from the norm, and as a result, I ended up in a Detox facility for a 3 day observation period. I think it was on my second day there when this energy shifted into a different mode. My body began to tremble and shake uncontrollably.

I had some of the most incredible bodily sensations while this was happening. Words alone cannot accurately describe what was happening to me. The best I could say is that it felt like a mixture of love, power, potential and pure ecstasy. I was not on any drugs, but I am sure that it appeared to the staff people that I was going through DT’s or some kind of drug induced reaction.

On my second night at the detox facility I was sitting at a table and while the trembling and shaking was increasing, a staff person whom I will call Mary sat down with me. She told me she understood what I was going through, she seemed to be telling me the truth, but I cannot know the reality of how she perceived what was happening to me. After talking to me for some time, Mary showed me to a bedroom and she suggested that it might be beneficial to me if I laid down and rested. After I laid down I noticed that there was a clock radio next to the bed and I asked her if I could turn it on to help me relax and get to sleep. She agreed and said that she would leave me alone to rest and then she turned the light off. I laid there for some time feeling the energy inside me coursing through my entire being like lightning going from cell to cell transforming everything it touched. After about 2 hours physical exhaustion set in and I started to drift off into a pre-sleep state while I listened to a song playing curiously on the radio.

At the time it sounded like an meaningful message directly related to me and my current experience: “ Hang on, help is on its way, I’ll be there as fast as I can. Hang on, tiny voices say, somewhere deep inside me is a man. What’s it like inside a bubble, does your head ever give you trouble, its no sin, trade it in”.

That song seemed to speak directly to the core of my soul. It was as if god himself was speaking directly into my ear with a message designed specifically for me. There is no question that the effect of this song helped me to let go completely, relax and fall into a deep sleep. I will never forget how I felt when I awakened the next mourning. I literally felt as if I had died and I was in a “soul redistribution center.” I strongly felt that the detox center was a place where people went after they had died and from there we would go onward to our next life. This was pretty heavy stuff for a young adult who really did not know much about anything let alone dying and going on to another life! When I got out of bed I clearly remember looking out the window and feeling on a deep level of my soul that I was in heaven.

Everything looked much more brilliant and ALIVE! I felt an intense sense of connection to everyone and everything I saw. After taking in the sights of the “new world” I thought I was in, I went to the central room and I immediately perceived everyone I saw as brothers and sisters. It was obvious to me that we were all related and CONNECTED. Words cannot describe the sense of related-ness or the sense of purpose and acceptance of life AS IT IS that I perceived.

A Symbol Comes Through Me.

The next mourning when I picked up a book and started reading, it seemed as if the words were much more meaningful than in “my past life.”

Even the periods at the end of each sentence grabbed my attention in a way that I cannot describe. At that time those little black dots seemed to be more important than anything else. I literally became obsessed with deciphering the meaning that I sensed was there. I could not do so by just looking at them, I had to draw them. First I drew a small black circle, then I decided that it needed to be larger. When I gazed at this large black dot I sensed that it symbolized the source of everything. Then I was mysteriously impelled to draw eight lines with arrows pointing out of the “source.”

I call this symbol “The Infinitystar” and it is interesting that the number eight turned sideways becomes another form of infinity symbol. ( see:

The black hole in the center represents the source of everything and this source emanates all of creation in all directions outward toward infinity.

Note to the reader: Years later as you will see in my story, I learned that this symbol accurately represents the black hole in the center of our galaxy. The Mayans believed that it was the source of all things in our local universe.

Spiritual Transformations

After my spiritual death experience I would continue to experience what might have been spontaneous Kundalini releases. I wasn’t doing anything that I was aware of to cause them, but every 5 years or so it was as if an extreme excess of energy was downloaded into me that had effects on me that affected every aspect of my life. More than anything else it affected my perception of reality and it caused my consciousness to expand to new levels each time. Each experience provided me gifts that I wish someone could have helped me to better develop.

In the winter of 1984 I had a particularly powerful download that I will never forget. Like in 1977 I was so energized that I felt little need for sleep. My psychic abilities increased and I will never forget seeing the first layer of the aura on a co-worker. During this time was when a number pattern began appearing to me in seemingly unusual ways.

The numbers: 12,21,212,221,222,1221,2112 seemed to mean something but I could never figure out what!

I used to work in an office where there was a clock mounted on the wall behind me. Even if I knew the approximate time of day I would spontaneously turn around and see the clock turn to precisely 2:21. This happened so frequently I began to wonder what it was that causing me to do this! This went on daily for over a month. Then I started waking up spontaneously at 12:21 or 2:21 am. It was as if these numbers were some kind of communication trying to get my attention. It never failed to get my attention because it would continually come up in new ways that amazed me. I will never forget when my parents bought a house in 1988 with a 1221 address.!

The Number Synchronicity Phenomena

The number synchronicity phenomena has been a strange characteristic of my life. There were a few times in my life where I just plain got fed up with it. I reasoned if I could not make use of this somehow in my daily life then it was nothing but a distraction. I told it to go away and not come back unless it could give me something useful, but it persisted and as time passed on it’s manifestations became more and more bizarre and more and more unlikely.

In 1994 I decided to free myself of the toxicity of the industrial world. I moved to Phoenix Arizona in order to live the life of a Shaman and practice the ways of a warrior ala Carlos Castaneda.

One night I was watching a storm coming over the mountains. I had been told that some of the storms there can produce spectacular lightning shows and I was curious if this storm would produce a good show. I turned on my AM radio and scanned the frequencies to see if I could pick up electrical activity from the storm. As “coincidence” would have it, I found a station where the radio host was interviewing Chet Snow who wrote Mass Dreams of the Future. They were talking about the end of the Mayan Calendar on 12/21/2012. When I recognized my number pattern of 1221 & 212 ( In numerology zeros are only digit place holders, so if you remove the zeros you get 1221, 212) I was all ears throughout the rest of the program.

Note: I have had people explain these number sync’s away by using what I call the: “ You look for it, you find it theory” This theory may explain some of it, but my experience seems to indicate that there is much more going on here than just that!

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