Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I want to know the odds of this….

One day I was curious about what may be new with the SRT-4 and so I decided to do a Google search on it.

I really do want to know what the odds are of this happening. I would love an answer from a statistician here! The odds of this happening seem to go beyond the jurisdiction of statistics!

Note: Seriously now; does this manifestation in any way, shape, or form, follow the “ Look for it you find it” theory, or my own theory which is: “ I don’t do “it”; “it” does me” .

This makes me think of what Carlos Castaneda wrote about in his book titled Tales of Power. His teacher don Juan Matus said to him:

The tonal doesn’t know that decisions are in the realm of the nagual. When we think we decide, all we’re doing is acknowledging that something beyond our understanding has set up the frame of our so-called decisions, and all we do is acquiesce” .

In other words, the rational mind does not know if our decisions are our own or if we are merely acquiescing to a higher spiritual authority. A perfect example of this was when I hit a patch of ice while driving around a corner. The car fish-tailed wildly and I was frantically spinning the steering wheel back and forth trying to gain control until a voice that felt like almost like a command told me to just let go of the wheel. I did not resist, I just let go, and the car safely went into the ditch where it was slowed down by deep snow. Then it went airborne and landed in some thick brush which brought the car to a halt right in front of a tree. Other than requiring a tow truck to get it out there was absolutely no damage done!

Letting go of the wheel was not my decision! I trusted that voice and the command, so I acquiesced to a higher authority and it may have saved my life!

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