Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The 12/21 Psychic

The following day I called some bookstores in search of Chet’s book. I rushed out to the first store that had a copy. When I got there, I noticed a sign on the wall that said there was a psychic doing readings from 10-4pm. It had never occurred to me to see a psychic about what this number thing might be about, so I inquired at the register and the woman said “there is an opening at 12, is that too late?” No, I said 12 is perfect!

When I asked the psychic about my numbers; she talked about how there are 12 months to a year, 12 hours on a clock, 12 signs of the zodiac, Jesus had 12 disciples, there are twelve 12 oz cans in a 12 pack (I’m kidding here). I think she sensed that this was not providing an answer for me, so she asked me what month I was born. "December 9th" I said. "Oh! I am a Sagittarius too, my birth date is December 21st. That's 12/21! she exclaimed with eyes as big as dinner plates. How about that! Isn't that strange?” What are the odds that I would see a psychic about the 12/21 phenomenon and her birthday would happen to be 12/21?

Note: This is a good example of how “it” finds me and goes against the “ Look for it; you find it theory”

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